Hooty Mooty

Hooty Mooty

It's nighttime. It's bed time. It's Hooty Mooty time.

Our tiny night owl has the most amazing purple feathers all over his tiny body making him the first and only of this night owl species. Mooty Hooty was a natural choice for The Rainbow Reward Squad.

Read more about what makes Mooty Hooty!

Favourite Movie: The Bee Movie

Favourite colour: Black like the night sky because that means bedtime!

Favourite Pastime: Trying to break his own personal best record for staying in bed.

Favourite Food: Warm milk because it makes him sleepy.

Biggest Fear: not getting to bed on time because he won’t get his 10-12 hours sleep a night.

Best Friend: His bedtime blankie called ‘Snoozle’

Ambition in Life: to break the owl sleep world record.

Meet the Squad!

Each life skill is defined through a character from the Rainbow Reward Squad

  • Perry Pages
  • Hooty Mooty
  • Missy Glitzy
  • Cherry Seashore
  • Griff Wrinkles
  • Unlock the secret character!
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